Woman looking at her face in a broken mirror.
Woman looking at her face in a broken mirror.
Woman looking at her face in a broken mirror.

5 Myths About Multiple Sclerosis and Depression

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) 一种严重的疾病是否伴随着各种各样的症状,而且每个人的症状都不一样. But about half of people with MS share a common condition — depression. 虽然ms相关的抑郁症在医学界是众所周知的, it is still widely underreported, underdiagnosed and undertreated. 关于多发性硬化症和抑郁症也有一些误解. Rehabilitation psychologist Abbey Hughes, Ph.D., 与多发性硬化症患者和他们的亲人一起工作,帮助他们澄清这些误解,帮助他们解决和控制情绪症状.


A woman looking in a broken mirror.

Truth每个患有多发性硬化症的人都有一种面对逆境的适应能力——这被称为适应力. 适应力可以帮助个人应对压力,减少患抑郁症的机会. 虽然许多多发性硬化症患者可能有类似的症状或经历, 只有大约50%的人在一生中患上了干扰日常生活的抑郁症.

“Resilience isn’t necessarily affected by the severity of MS. 即使是患有严重或进展形式的多发性硬化症的患者也可以相当有弹性,并且没有临床显着的抑郁症,” points out Hughes. While depression is common in those with MS, 它不是普遍的,不应该被认为是正常的或意料之中的. “Rather, 多发性硬化症患者及其家人应注意抑郁症的症状,并通知他们的医疗保健提供者, as there are effective treatments, including therapy and, for some, medications,” adds Hughes.


Truth“值得注意的是,多发性硬化症的抑郁症可能与我们对抑郁症的典型概念和假设不同,” says Hughes. Sometimes, 多发性硬化症患者的抑郁表现为易怒, anger, not feeling like oneself and/or uncertainty about the future.

根据公认的诊断标准,抑郁症的症状包括疲劳和注意力难以集中, which overlap with symptoms of MS. 因此,它们并不总是MS患者抑郁的良好指标,”休斯解释说.

医生可能会使用问卷来帮助识别多发性硬化症患者的抑郁症状. “If a patient comes to the appointment with a family member, 家庭成员分享他们的观察并提供具体行为的例子是有帮助的. 每天写日记来记录情绪症状的频率和严重程度也会有所帮助,” suggests Hughes.

Myth #3: Depression and grief are the same.

Truth悲伤是对失去的一种反应,无论是失去所爱的人还是失去一种能力. 对于患有多发性硬化症的人来说,面对逐渐加重的症状感到悲伤是可以理解的,也是正常的, such as diminished mobility, vision, flexibility or energy. As symptoms worsen or flare up, a person may need to use a wheelchair, leave a job or stop driving a car. 适应这些和其他生活方式的改变会带来可以理解的悲伤反应.

“悲伤和抑郁的一个重要区别是,悲伤是暂时的,”休斯说. 患有多发性硬化症的人可能会寻求心理学家或精神科医生的帮助来应对悲伤或抑郁. However, the treatment for each condition may look different. “When treating depression, 重点通常是帮助人们减少绝望的感觉, worthlessness and, for some, thoughts of suicide. Grief is not typically associated with these feelings, so the focus of therapy is likely to be different,” points out Hughes.

Myth #4: Visible MS symptoms are the most disabling.

Truth: As MS progresses, it can affect numerous bodily systems. This can cause issues such as muscle spasms, vision problems, 行走困难或肠道和膀胱功能出现问题. 这些身体上的挑战可能令人难以置信地沮丧,似乎是多发性硬化症最糟糕的部分, especially from the perspective of someone who doesn’t have MS.

但在谈话中可能不会出现,也很难注意到, are mood and cognitive issues associated with MS. Emotional difficulties, including depression and anxiety, 通常会比身体症状更严重地干扰日常功能吗. 冷漠或焦虑可能比肌肉痉挛或头晕更能阻止人们享受生活.


Truth疲劳是多发性硬化症最常见的症状之一,但它也可能是抑郁的征兆. 某些认知问题也是如此,比如注意力不集中和优柔寡断. 多发性硬化症可以掩盖一些抑郁症状,使其难以诊断.

认知问题除了是抑郁症的一种症状外,还可能导致或加重抑郁症. 多发性硬化症可能影响认知功能,如记忆、注意力、信息处理和推理. 这些功能的任何问题都可能对一个人的自我形象和自我价值产生负面影响.

“多发性硬化症患者跟踪认知变化的一种方法是参与认知评估,” suggests Hughes. 这个测试可以由在治疗有医疗问题的推荐十大正规网赌平台方面有经验的心理学家进行, such as a rehabilitation psychologist or neuropsychologist. “在出现困难的最初迹象时进行这项测试通常是个好主意, as it can provide a baseline for future comparison,” says Hughes. “This evaluation can also help determine if treatment, 比如认知行为疗法或者认知康复, would be beneficial for improving fatigue, mood, and/or cognitive symptoms.

与ms相关的抑郁症很难识别和理解. 认识和澄清一些最常见的误解是帮助多发性硬化症患者及其家人得到正确诊断和治疗的一个很好的开始.

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