


The normal amount of 睡眠 varies depending on the age of your child.

年龄 平均夜间
新生儿至3个月 8至9小时
6至12个月 10至12小时
2年 10至12小时 4个小时
3年 10个小时 1小时
4至6年 10个小时 通常不午睡


The following are some helpful tips for establishing good 睡眠 habits for your child:

  • Newborns don't have a set night or day schedule for the first several weeks of life. It is best for a newborn not to 睡眠 longer than 5个小时 at a time in the first 5 to 6 weeks as their small bodies need frequent feedings.

  • Older babies and children should have a consistent nap time and bedtime schedule.

  • 开始一段安静的时光, 比如听安静的音乐或看书, 睡前20到30分钟. TV, smart phones, tablets, and computers should not be a part of the quiet time.

  • 安静时间过后, 遵循睡眠规律, 比如换尿布, 上厕所, 刷牙.

  • Set a time limit for quiet time and the routine so it does not drag on and your child knows what to expect before bedtime.

  • 说晚安,关灯,然后离开房间.

  • Security objects, such as a special blanket or stuffed animal, can be part of the bedtime routine.

  • It is important for children to be put to bed awake so they learn to fall a睡眠 themselves.

  • 婴儿不应该抱着奶瓶睡觉. 它会导致蛀牙和耳部感染等问题.


Children can easily fall into bedtime habits that are not always healthy habits. The following suggestions can help when a child does not want to go to bed or is having trouble staying in bed:

  • If your child cries, speak calmly and reassure him or her, "You are fine. 该睡觉了.然后离开房间.

  • 不要给孩子奶瓶或抱孩子.

  • Stretch out the time between trips to the room if your child continues. 什么都不要做,只是平静地交谈然后离开.

  • Your child will calm down and go to 睡眠 if you stick to this routine. It may take several nights for your child to get used to the new plan.

  • If your child is used to getting a large amount of milk right at bedtime, start to cut down the amount of milk in the bottle by 1/2 to 1 ounce each night until the bottle is empty and then take it away completely.

  • 有时 children get out of their routine of night 睡眠ing because of an illness or travel. 当一切恢复正常时,迅速恢复良好的睡眠习惯.

有时, older children go through a stage when they revert back to bad 睡眠 habits or develop new problems in going to 睡眠. The following are some tips to help parents with older children who have problems going to bed:

  • 如果你的孩子起床了, take him or her back to bed with a warning that the door will be shut (not locked) for 1 or 2 minutes if he or she gets out of bed.

  • 如果你的孩子待在床上,门就一直开着. 如果你的孩子从床上爬起来,门要关上2分钟. Your child can understand that he or she has control of keeping the door open by staying in bed.

  • If your child gets out again, shut the door for 3 to 5 minutes (no more than 5 minutes).

  • 是一致的. 每次孩子下了床,就把他放回床上.

  • 当你的孩子躺在床上的时候, 打开门,给你的孩子表扬(例如, “你在床上做得很好. 晚安."

  • Your child can be rewarded by earning a star on a calendar for staying in bed all night. 你可以为获得一定数量的星星提供特别奖励.

Reducing the risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other 睡眠-related deaths

Here are recommendations from the American Academy of 儿科s (AAP) on how to reduce the risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and 睡眠-related deaths from birth to age 1:

  • 确保你的宝宝接种了疫苗. 一个完全免疫的婴儿会降低他或她患小岛屿发展中国家的风险. 

  • 母乳喂养婴儿. The AAP recommends breast milk only for at least the first 6 months. 

  • Place your infant on his or her back for all 睡眠ing until he or she is 1-year-old. 这可以降低小岛屿发展中国家、误吸和窒息的风险. Never place your baby on his or her side or stomach for 睡眠 or naps. 如果你的宝宝醒了, allow your child time on his or her tummy as long as you are supervising, 以减少你的孩子会发展成平头的机会.

  • Always talk with your baby's doctor before raising the head of the crib if he or she has been diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux.

  • Offer your baby a pacifier for 睡眠ing or naps, if he or she isn't breastfed. If breastfeeding, delay introducing a pacifier until breastfeeding has been firmly established.

  • Use a firm mattress (covered by a tightly fitted sheet) to prevent gaps between the mattress and the sides of a crib, 游乐场, 或者摇篮. 这可以降低被困、窒息和小岛屿发展中国家的风险.

  • 和你的宝宝分享你的房间而不是你的床. Putting your baby in bed with you raises the risk for 绞窄, 窒息, 截留, 和SIDS. Bed sharing is not recommended for twins or other higher multiples. The AAP recommends that infants 睡眠 in the same room as their parents, 靠近父母的床, 但要放在适合婴儿的单独的床或婴儿床上. This 睡眠ing arrangement is recommended ideally for the baby's first year, 但应至少在前6个月保持.

  • 不要使用婴儿座椅, 汽车安全座椅, 婴儿车, 婴儿运营商, 还有婴儿秋千,用于日常睡眠和午睡. These may lead to obstruction of an infant's airway or 窒息.

  • 不要让婴儿躺在沙发或扶手椅上睡觉. Sleeping on a couch or armchair puts the infant at much higher risk of death, including SIDS.

  • 不要使用违禁药物和酒精. 不要在怀孕期间或分娩后吸烟. Keep your baby away from others who are smoking and areas where others smoke.

  • 不要把婴儿的脸或头裹得太紧、穿得太厚或盖住. This will prevent him or her from getting overheated, reducing the risks f或SIDS.

  • 不要使用松散的床上用品或柔软的物品. 缓冲垫, 枕头, 安慰的人, and blankets should not be used in an infant's crib or bassinet to help prevent 窒息, 绞窄, 截留, 或SIDS.

  • 不要使用心肺监护仪和商用设备. 楔形, 定位器, and special mattresses should not be used to help decrease the risk f或SIDS and 睡眠-related infant deaths.

  • 总是把婴儿床、摇篮和游戏场地放在没有危险的地方. Avoid dangling cords, wires, or window coverings to reduce the risk for 绞窄. 

  • 避免接触任何烟雾、酒精和违禁药物.


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