

这个过程是通过一根叫做结肠镜的长而柔软的管子来完成的. The tube has a light and a tiny camera on one end. It is put in your rectum and moved into your colon.


  • Clean the lining of your colon using irrigation (a water jet)
  • Remove any liquid stool with a suction device
  • Inject air into your bowel to make it easier to see inside
  • Work inside your bowel with surgical tools

During a colonoscopy, 你的医生可能会切除组织或息肉(异常生长)作进一步检查. He or she may also be able to treat problems that are found.

Anatomy of the Colon

The colon is the last section of your digestive system. It absorbs water to change waste from liquid to solid stool. The large intestine is about 5 feet long in adults. It has the following four sections:

  • Ascending colon: extends upward on the right side of your belly
  • Transverse colon: 从升结肠穿过你的身体一直延伸到左侧
  • Descending colon: extends from the transverse colon downward on your left side
  • Sigmoid colon: extends from the descending colon to your rectum


Why might I need a colonoscopy?

结肠镜检查可以帮助医生发现结肠的问题. These include any early signs of cancer, inflamed (red or swollen) tissue, ulcers (open sores) and bleeding.

Cancer Screening

结肠镜检查也用于筛查结肠癌和直肠癌. 筛查包括在没有任何癌症症状的个体中寻找癌症.


Checking and Treating Problems


  • Colon polyps
  • Tumors
  • Ulcerations
  • Inflammation
  • Diverticula (pouches) along the colon wall
  • Narrowed areas (strictures) of the colon
  • Any objects that might be in the colon

It may also be used to find the cause of unexplained, 慢性(长期)腹泻或胃肠道出血.

Results of Other Tests

当其他检查显示需要额外检查时,可使用结肠镜检查. These include the following:

  • Barium enema
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)结肠镜检查(也称为虚拟结肠镜检查)
  • Tests for blood in the stool
  • Stool DNA tests
  • Sigmoidoscopy


What are the risks of a colonoscopy?

As with any invasive procedure, complications may occur. 结肠镜检查相关的并发症包括但不限于以下情况:

  • Continued bleeding after biopsy (tissue sample) or polyp removal
  • Nausea, vomiting, 腹胀或直肠刺激:由于手术或准备性肠清洗引起的腹胀或直肠刺激
  • 对止痛药或镇定剂(用于放松的药物)的不良反应, calming effect)
  • 肠壁穿孔(洞),这是一种罕见的并发症

You may have other risks related to your condition. 一定要在手术前与你的医生讨论任何问题.

How do I get ready for a colonoscopy?

您的医疗保健提供者将详细解释程序并回答您的问题. You will be asked to sign a consent form prior to the test. Read the form carefully and ask any questions you may have.

Dietary Instructions

在手术前一定时间内不能吃东西或喝水. 这通常意味着午夜之后不吃不喝,或者在结肠镜检查前几个小时才允许吃泻药和喝水. 你可能会得到额外的指示,在手术前一到两天要遵循一个特殊的饮食. 这是绝对强制性的,仔细按照您的具体说明,以避免取消,并确保安全, effective test.

Notifications for Your Doctor

Before your colonoscopy, tell your provider:

  • If you are sensitive or allergic to any medicines, latex, tape oranesthesia medicines (local and general)
  • About all the medicines you take, including over-the-counter drugs, prescription medicines, vitamins, herbs and other supplements
  • If you have a history of bleeding disorders
  • If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant

Bowel Preparation

你的医生会告诉你如何准备肠道检查. 你可能会被要求服用泻药、灌肠剂或直肠泻药栓剂. 或者你可能需要喝一种特殊的液体来帮助清理你的结肠.

Medications Before and After the Procedure

If you are taking any blood-thinning medicines, aspirin, ibuprofen or other medicines that affect blood clotting, they may need to be stopped before the procedure. If you have a heart valve disease, 在手术之前,你可能会被给予抗病抗生素.

手术前,会给你止痛药和镇静剂. After the procedure, someone must drive you home.

The Importance of Good Bowel Preparation During Colonoscopy

In this video, 了解为什么结肠镜检查前的肠道准备对检查结果如此重要.

What happens during a colonoscopy?

你可以在门诊或住院期间做结肠镜检查. 测试的方法可能会根据你的情况和你的医疗保健提供者的做法而有所不同.

Generally, the colonoscopy follows this process:

  1. 在检查过程中,您将被要求摘掉任何可能妨碍检查的珠宝或其他物品.
  2. 你可能会被要求脱掉衣服,换上病号服.
  3. An intravenous (IV) line will be inserted into your arm or hand. A sedative or a pain medicine will be injected into the IV.
  4. You will be given oxygen to breathe.
  5. Your heart rate, blood pressure, 在手术过程中会检查呼吸频率和氧气水平.
  6. 你将被要求向左侧卧,膝盖向上拉向胸部.
  7. 一根润滑过的管子将被放入你的肛门,然后进入你的直肠和结肠. You may feel mild pain, pressure or cramping during the procedure. A sedative is used to reduce your discomfort.
  8. 根据使用的麻醉类型,你可能在手术过程中处于完全睡眠状态. 如果你是醒着的,医生可能会要求你在插管的时候做缓慢的深呼吸. 这有助于放松腹部肌肉,减少不适. 你也可能被要求改变你的位置,以帮助管子通过.
  9. Air may be injected into your bowel. This may make it easier to see the inside surfaces. A water jet may also be used to clean the lining of your colon. A suction device may be used to remove any liquid stool.
  10. 医生会检查你的结肠,可能还会拍照. If a polyp is seen, it may be taken out. 或者它可以留在结肠中,直到将来进行手术.
  11. After the procedure is over, the tube will be taken out.

Need to learn more about colorectal cancer?

Dung Le, MD

我们的团队致力于开发多学科治疗方案 complicated, advanced colon and rectal cancers.

What happens after a colonoscopy?

手术后,你将被带到恢复室接受监护. 你的恢复过程取决于你服用的镇静剂的类型. Once your blood pressure, pulse and breathing are stable and you are awake and alert, you will be taken to your hospital room. Or you may be discharged to your home.

You can usually eat whatever you can tolerate after the procedure. Some people start with small, bland meals.

术后胀气(放屁)和气痛是正常的. Walking and moving around may help to ease any mild pain.

You should not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours. 你可能会被要求喝额外的液体来补充你在准备手术时失去的水分.

Tell your provider if you experience any of the following:

  • Fever or chills
  • Frequent, bloody stools
  • Belly pain or swelling
  • A hardened belly
  • The inability to pass gas


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