


饮食失调, 如神经性厌食症和神经性贪食症, are serious chronic conditions that are often underdiagnosed and not properly treated. 这些疾病可能很危险, so it is important for us to recognize signs and symptoms of disordered eating in order to get our kids the help they need for recovery.

在本周的 为所有孩子服务萨拉·索巴尔瓦罗博士.D.,持牌人士 儿童心理学家 at 约翰霍普金斯儿童医院 谁与他们密切合作 青少年和青年诊所在此分享一些关于这个话题的重要信息.


饮食失调 are complex medical illnesses that have serious physical, mental and psychosocial consequences as well as association with high mortality rates. 饮食失调 involve an unhealthy relationship with food and cause significant interference with daily functioning. 饮食失调的一些例子包括神经性厌食症, 非典型神经性厌食症, 暴食症, binge eating disorder and avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (also known as ARFID).


Atypical anorexia nervosa is a common eating disorder that is often overlooked or underdiagnosed because patients with atypical anorexia are in the normal weight range. Atypical anorexia is categorized by all of the same symptoms and risks as classic anorexia nervosa and is just as dangerous so we want to monitor individuals across the weight spectrum for disordered eating.

饮食失调 are considered both mental health disorders and medical illnesses. 因此, someone suffering from an eating disorder should seek help from a medical professional and a mental health professional who specializes in treating eating disorders. It is also recommended to have a dietitian closely involved when a child or teen is struggling with an eating disorder.


神经性厌食症或非典型神经性厌食症, some of the most common signs are frequent comments about weight/appearance, 不吃饭, 少吃, 拒绝吃高糖食物, 高脂肪的食物, 全面限制食物摄入和过度运动. 体重严重下降, fear of gaining weight and severe body image disturbances are also warning signs of anorexia.


Bulimia nervosa is categorized by a pattern of binge eating followed by the use of a compensatory behavior, 比如净化, 禁食, 通便剂或利尿剂, 以及过度运动以防止体重增加. 


Binge eating disorder involves eating larger than normal portions of food in one sitting and inability to stop oneself from eating excessively large portions.


ARFID is an eating disorder categorized by significant aversion to food based on sensory characteristics (texture), 对饮食缺乏兴趣, or concern about aversive consequences of eating such as stomach pain, 呕吐或窒息.

Other signs to look out for across eating disorders include hiding/sneaking food, calorie tracking and refusal to participate in social events involving food. 如你所见, there are several different signs of eating disorders that indicate an individual may need an assessment by a professional.

What can happen if a child/teen starts to engage in disordered eating behaviors?

There are several medical and mental health consequences that can occur when children or teens start engaging in disordered eating behaviors. 医疗方面的担忧包括体重的快速变化, 低心率, 激素的变化, 电解质改变, 乏力, 呼吸困难, 脱发, 血压变化, 心律失常, 昏厥甚至死亡. Mental health concerns that often occur in individuals with eating disorders include social isolation, 孤独, 显著的焦虑, 撤军, 抑郁和自杀意念.

What should you do if you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder?

认真对待这些问题. 饮食失调是一个非常敏感的话题, but reaching out to a trusted adult or professional is one of the most important steps toward recovery. Discussing it with your doctor or therapist will help you receive the right care, 评价, 诊疗方案.

What should parents do at home to support their child or teen with an eating disorder?

很好的问题! It is important to remember that eating disorders are both medical and mental health disorders so it is incredibly difficult for children/teens to recover on their own. 他们需要家人的治疗和持续的支持. This means parents should not be afraid to closely monitor their child or teen’s eating behaviors. Parents should be ensuring their child is eating a variety of foods and obtaining adequate nutrition each day.

Parents may have to use clever strategies to make sure their child is compliant with eating and not engaging in disordered eating behaviors. 记住要平衡同理心和权威. As a parent it can be tempting to back off because arguments may happen around mealtime or because we feel the child/teen does not want help, 但不要屈服于饮食失调.

记住,你的孩子并没有选择患上饮食失调症. Your role as a parent or caregiver is to help your child fight the eating disorder. Parents and family are a critical component of recovery and should be closely involved in their child’s treatment.

青少年及青年专科诊所 at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

圣约翰霍普金斯儿童医院. 彼得堡, 佛罗里达, offers adolescent and young adult specialty care for patients at all stages and support the transition from childhood to adulthood. 包括对身体的专门护理, 青少年和青年的心理和社会福祉.

